Monthly and Annual Statistics for JAMA Canada Member Companies
1. Data type:
2. Source:
3. Start Year:
4. End Year:
5. Range:

Using the Stats Tools
Retrieving Data
Select the "Data type":
The first drop-down menu lists the types of data available, such as Production, Exports, Sales, etc.
Select the "Source":
The second drop-down menu lists from whom the data originates, such as specific company, or an area.
- After selecting the Data and Source, a table is constructed on the page with all available data.
Using the Stats Tools
Once a table has appeared, you may:
Adjust the Year Range
Change the Start Year and End Year values as desired.
Pre-defined Year Ranges
Set the Range value to the number of years to show; by default, the End Year is used to determine the Start Year. After setting the Range, changing the Start Year will adjust the End Year.
Select a Period of Data (Desktop Only)
For example, if you wish to know the totals for a smaller period, say January through March, click in the January cell for the first year of interest and drag the cursor over to the March cell (you may then also drag up or down to select more than one year) and then release the mouse button.
When the mouse button is released, a small pop-up appears with the total for the period, for each of the years selected; if multiple years are chosen, the per cent change from the previous year is shown. (see it in action)
Monthly Sales: this table has more options, as there are 3 layers of information; cars, light trucks and the total. If you wish to compare cars only, start the selection in a cars cell; for trucks, start the selection in a trucks cell; or, for both, start the selection in a totals cell. (see it in action)
View a Graph of the Data
Click the grey "Graph" button to the top-right of the table. Place your mouse over the dots (or, with a mobile device, touch a dot) on the graph lines to see a tooltip with the value for that point. Doing this also activates the "Previous Year Comparison" view, dimming the other lines except for the current year the mouse is over, and the year previous. The Start Year and End Year settings also works in Graph mode.
As well as the year range, clicking on an item in the Legend will hide (or show) that part of the graph.
Save the Data (Desktop Only)
Prepare the table for the years you want, then click the "CSV" button under the table. This prepares a comma-separated-value file for download; either open the file in your favourite spreadsheet program, or save the file locally. (see it in action)
Excel Users: when you first open the file, it will not be formatted properly (a downfall of Excel). To manually do this, click the A column to select the whole column; in the Data menu, choose Text to Column; then, follow the prompts for the wizard that appears, setting the delimiter as "comma". (see it in action)